
淫縛四十八手 上及下卷 The Japanese Rope Kamasutra Vol 1+2 set

  • 減價中
  • 定價 $525.00
  • 可供應 1 件

由旅居日本的導師MARC(マルク/Aku Aku)於2006年起跟Hajime Kinoko(一鬼之子)學習日式繩縛,至2012年滿師,隨即開始繩縛講習以及繼續當一鬼之子各種項目中的助手。MARC對繩縛的興趣源於繩縛在床上的應用及潛力,在多年學習和與圈內好友的交流之下,MARC將他的理解融匯結集而成這一套全新的「性典」,由插畫師茶川描負責繪畫,書道家林幽弦題字,上卷於2020年推出,在KICKSTARTER上大受好評,並於今年推出下卷,合拼發售。上下卷當中共收錄48種不同的繩縛性愛姿勢,並附有詳盡說明。此為全球共通的實體書版本,內帶有日文和英文說明。而另外在官網發售的數位版則可因應購買者選擇各國語言。值得一提的是,本地繩縛道場「心繩屋」的創辦人緒本子SUBAY也有份參與其中中文部份的翻譯和校對,可謂集世界之大成。

日本語文と英語分付。Billingual English/Japanese.


The Japanese version of the Kamasutra is a set of 48 sexual positions that integrate the art of Japanese rope. This book introduces the first 24 positions.


Not only do they offer more artistic freedom, illustrations make the various rope patterns easier to understand and reproduce. While the positions can be used for SM play, the main focus of this book is about the use of rope for sexual purposes.


This book can benefit rope enthusiasts by providing new ways to play with rope in the bedroom. For people who don’t have any experience with rope, this book can encourage or inspire you to start learning and incorporating it into the bedroom.


マルクは2004年に来日。2006年から裏の世界に冒険を始め、日本の緊縛と縛りに出会う。2010年からHajime Kinoko (の一縄会で縄の勉強を始め、2012年に卒業。その後、講師になり、縄を練習したり、教えたり、パフォーマンスをしたり、Hajime Kinoko氏の様々な作品でのサポートを経験。主に縄でのコミュニケーションとエロに特化している。


茶川 描(チャガワビョウ)は10代からイラストやデザインを初めとし、モデル、写真などのヴィジュアルデザイン全般をこなす。思春期少女や少年の感受性を主軸にし、フィクション色の強いエロティックなイラストを描く。
Hello, my name is Marc, and I’ve been living in Japan since 2004. Throughout the 15+ years I’ve lived in Japan, I’ve had the chance to explore its many historic temples, beautiful countryside towns, the chaotic metropolis that is Tokyo, and many more aspects of Japanese tradition and culture. In 2006, I ventured into the underground world and encountered traditional Japanese bondage, more commonly known as shibari or kinbaku. From then on, I began studying under the most prolific Japanese rope artist, Hajime Kinoko and his Ichinawa rope group. In 2012, I graduated to become a rope instructor and have been practicing, teaching, performing and helping Hajime Kinoko in various projects ever since.

My interest in rope originated from its potential in te bedroom. Using pressure, friction, coercion can widely enhance the intensity of intimate play. Very early on, I even bought a pipe bed specifically built for rope, and began putting everything I learned into practice in the bedroom. Talking with some friends about my discoveries, they encouraged me to write a book about it. As a result, I embarked on a journey to create a new Kamasutra for rope play.

The Japanese version of the Kamasutra is called Shijuhatte (四十八手), and it features a total of 48 traditional sex positions. I thought long and hard on a name for the rope version, and we settled on “Inbaku Shijuhatte” (淫縛四十八手), which is a play on words that transforms the more serious word for rope, kinbaku, into inbaku, which can be translated as indecent rope. The title can be translated in English as “The Indecent Rope Kamasutra.”

With the positions and a name settled, I began putting more work into forming the contents of the book. From the very beginning, I knew that I wanted to create something artistic, not pornographic. Rather than using photography to showcase each position (which many rope artists do), I partnered with a very talented illustrator to help me on this quest. With beautifully drawn illustrations alongside a little helper text to explain the benefits and technicalities of each position, it’s easy for anyone  to understand how to perform the poses without being a rope expert. 

There is a caveat, however. Illustrations need to be drawn… and drawing takes time! To be able to publish the book quickly, I’ve decided to split it into two parts, with 24 poses in each. The book will be in full color featuring great illustrations, Japanese calligraphy, as well as an English and Japanese description of each pose.


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