MYSTIM Pure Vibes 電擊主機 E-Stim Tens Unit

  • 減價中
  • 定價 $1,050.00
  • 後會有現貨




相信大家最關注的一定是這款與平一半的DG-LAB郊狼電擊主機如何比較。以性價比和功能來看,郊狼絕對完勝。MYSTIM是德國進口產品,價錢自然會起步較高,沒辦法的事。MYSTIM的優點是操作性。始終郊狼又藍芽又APP又充電,主機本體幾乎沒有介面,萬一有一天APP停更了,或者藍芽制式換代了,主機武功立即被廢了九成。更不用提鋰電會愈充愈老化,到期了也大多不能換,只好買新了。而另一邊廂,這款MYSTIM主機真正PLUG & PLAY,操作完全直覺,不用裝APP也不用配對。電池方面只要9V電沒有停產就一直能用,其實長遠來說更值回票價。再者,沒有鋰電池負累,可上飛機、可過海關、可郵寄,不用攜帶充電線,有時原始有原始的好啊。





The vibration is a sensation

When it’s about being crazy in love in a very sexy way, then it’s time to grab the little black one. The analogue EMS Device Pure Vibes will take you out of your mind either way, whether with gentle tingling, tender tickling, rhythmic pulsing or sensual thrusts. You'll be surprised by the sensational peak experiences this solid entry-level model will give you. Thanks to the varied vibration, you will reach higher and higher levels during an orgasm that goes deep under the skin. Beautiful prospects!
How intimate it is together with the Pure Vibes, you will feel from the very first moment. With the enclosed electrodes or with one of the many e-stim toys you will experience a never-ending stimulation. You decide their strength and nature completely individually. Thanks to 2 channels you can connect 2 toys at the same time - for more fun alone or as a couple.

With the Pure Vibes there is no limits to your fantasy and your eagerness for experiments.

Bask yourself in a soft tingle for hours and hours, let yourself be pushed over every ecstatic edge by vigorous pulsating at just the right spot – Tension Lover pleasures you from mild to wild. You are open for new things? Change the settings manually or choose out of three pre-installed programs That offers a very satisfying variety in your love life.

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